Museo Civico Diocesano e dei manoscritti di Giacomo Leopardi

The museum has been open since 1983, but in 2004 the collection was re-organised. The works exhibited recount the civil and religious history of Visso which since the Middle Ages has been a crossroads for merchants, pilgrims and artists as it lies in the heart of the Appennine mountains on the principal trade and pilgrimage routes. In addition to an astonishing number of outstanding Italian wooden statues dating back to a period between the 13th and 16th centuries (e.g. the Romanic Madonna di Fematre, the wonderful Crocefisso dating back to the 14th century and the tender Madonna di Macereto, from the Renaissance Sanctuary of the same name), the museum preserves many works by Paolo da Visso, a local 15th century painter, e.g. Polittico di Nocelleto (the polyptych of Nocellato) and the Madonna del Voto, commissioned during a plague epidemic when the citizens of Visso asked for the intercession of the Virgin. Together with precious gold works and several paintings, there are some manuscripts by Giacomo Leopardi, bought by the Municipality in 1869, and the whole series (rarely complete) of the Dodici Sibille (twelve Sybils), executed by Nicola Amatore from Jesi for the municipal Council Chamber in the XVII century.


Nome della tabella
Address Piazza Martiri Vissani presso il complesso di Sant'Agostino
Phone +39 0 335 758 925 4
Orario dal 12 luglio 2008 al al 7 settembre 2008 aperto tutti i giorni dalle 10.00 alle 12.00 e dalle 16.00 alle 19.00 - lunedì chiuso
dal 13 settembre 2008 al 2 novembre 2008 aperto sabato, domenica e festivi dalle 10.00 alle 12.00 e dalle 16.00 alle 19.00
Property Civic
Situation From 22 July to 18 September: every day 10.00-13.00/16.00-19.00. Closed on Monday mornings. From 19 September: Sat. 16.00-19.00, Sun. and holidays 10.30-12.30/16.00-18.00. Visits on request on the other days (min. 6 persons)
Note Admission Prices: Adult € 3.50; Concession €2.50 (over 65, under 18, students, teachers, cultural society members); free admittance for children up to 10, disabled and one accompanying person.

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